terça-feira, 19 de março de 2013


decidi deixar aqui um pedaço de mim, para mim mesmo, e quem, assim como eu, gostar de apreciar as dores alheias para esquecer as próprias. começo aqui com algo que não é meu, mas eu sinto:

"under constant correction,
a fraud,
a fraud,
someone's perception, trying not to bore
i'm a cold-hearted kidda,
if you're the highest bidder, i'm yours

you figure out pathetic sets
we're not sure of the etiquette
we think out pathetic sets
we're not sure of the etiquette

and if you found this it's probably too late
clinically cynical, hereditary hate
if you found this it's probably too late
approaching the pinnacle and running out of mates

if we concentrate on being off the cuff
not sure we're ready but probably rough
frightened that honesty isn't enough
and it's nothing on the early stuff"

(arctic monkeys - if  you found this it's probably too late)

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